We have an active role in the local and wider community through a range of activities. These include regular social events, charity work and environmental projects.
Coffee Corner

Saturday 10am-noon.

Come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, homemade cakes and scones and of course a chat with friends

Social Activities

As an active church family we often have social events which might be to fundraise for a particular cause or just to enjoy time together. These would include shared meals, quizzes, special coffee mornings with extra stalls and games, walks or visits to special events.

There is also a variety of regular activities:

  •   Tuesday 2.00pm Women's Fellowship (2nd Tuesday of the month)
  •   Tuesday 7.45pm Badminton and table Tennis Club
  •   Wednesday Ramblers (3rd Wednesday of the month)
  •   Thursday 1.30pm Art Group
  •   Thursday 2.00pm Take Time Together (3rd Thurs. of the month)
Toast, Tea & Talk

Wednesday morning 10am-midday.

A place where people can meet just for a chat, a cup of tea or coffee, toast and enjoy the warmth of our building.

Open to anyone who wishes to come along.

Food Bank

We support the work of the Bestwood & Bulwell Foodbank. A collection box for items is located in the coffee lounge or monetary donations can be made to the foodbank.

Eco Church

We are trying hard to care for God's creation by following the EcoChurch programme run by the charity A. Rocha. We are working to improve our sustainability as a Church in the categories of Worship & Teaching, Buildings, Land, Lifestyle and Community & Global Engagement. We achieved our Bronze award in 2019, our Silver award in November 2021, and are looking at how we can continue to improve.

We have 2 Electric Vehicle Charging points available to be used - these are operated by EVBox and payment can be made through the EVBox Charge app

Toilet Twinning

Our toilets are twinned via the Toilet Twinning initiatiave which helps fund a project in a poor community that will enable families to build a basic toilet, have access to clean water and learn about hygiene – a vital combination that saves lives.